Our Online Catalog contains a complete listing of all our flower essences and other products.
To browse through the catalog, simply click below on the underlined name of the desired product ( for example, Boxed Flower Essence Kits ). This link will take you to a page with detailed information about those products.
It is easy to order: Once you have found the desired product, follow the instructions to place the item in your shopping cart, and then proceed to checkout.
Boxed Flower Essence Kits
Each kit contains seven matched essences, contained in a sturdy box.
Individual Flower Essences from the Kits
All of the Flower Essences contained in the kits are available individually.
Individual Essences Not Contained in Kits
Individual Research & New Essences not contained in the Five Kits.
Help Now! Flower Essence Blend
A powerful blend for vibrational support in times of stress and trauma.